Career Development Services

Career Development

Stay productive and inspired on your career path

At Communication360, we recognize that every individual is unique and grows in many directions. With this in mind, an individual’s career path may also evolve and grow in new directions.

Our goal is to improve the way you make career and educational decisions by providing useful and reliable information and feedback about your career path. As part of your career development, we will explore educational training opportunities, core values and strengths, utilize assessment tools and work with you on goal setting and implementation.

Follow-up that helps you continue
to move up

All offerings can be specified to address one-to-one communications or one-to-group communications:

Our commitment to our clients is evidenced by our partnership follow-up plan. We provide ongoing support to help ensure that every connection made with mentors, peers, and leadership within a company, contributes to creating a successful and enriching career path.

Diverse people. Diverse needs.

Our career development services assist individuals who may need to make improvements in order to keep their current jobs. We also work with individuals who have shown signs of leadership but need additional development before taking the next step. And we support those individuals who have been laid off or dismissed from a job and may need guidance and support during their career transition.

Customize your content

Whatever your situation, Communication360’s career development programs can be tailored to your specific needs. Select from the following content areas:
  • Getting clarity on your “career” direction
  • Creating a vision for success
  • Assessing your core values and strengths
  • Discovering what you do best and what you love to do*
  • Labeling your roadblocks and establishing strategies to remove, overcome or accept the barriers in your way
  • Establishing your network – mentors, peers, leadership in your profession
  • Setting & implementing realistic, “one day at a time” goals for work
  • Interviewing Skills

Resources used:
* Integration of the DiSC Classic tool is available
* Strength Finder 2.0 How Full is Your Bucket (Tom Rath & Donald Clifton)
* Good to Great (Jim Collins)
* The Power of Habit (Charles Duhigg)

What clients say…

“I first met Joan when she was hired by a company I worked for to help our marketing group with better communication and presentation skills. I reconnected with Joan recently because I felt stuck in my career and felt I needed additional advice and direction. Joan sat me down and really had me take a hard look at what I wanted to do, where I wanted to go and what would be the ideal job for me. While I was making connections to new job opportunities I wasn’t closing the deals and I didn’t understand why. With Joan’s assistance I was able to see how I was perceived during an interview and to make small, but effective changes in my interview style that helped me land a great job. Joan has a wonderful, energetic personality and really cares to get to know you as a person. She understands why you are who you are and makes sure you are able to use that to your advantage. I highly recommend Joan to anyone who is looking for a change in their career or wants an outside voice to move forward.”
Karen C., Marketing Manager, Sunrise Medical
“Joan has been a wonderful mentor during my job search, she not only helped me find and succeed at my dream job, but has coached me every step of the way. I’ve learned many great interviewing and negotiating skills during our meetings. I’m so grateful to be coached by this amazing career expert and friend.”
Wade Stembridge

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